8 min read

One for All and All-in-One: Regain Control of Your Security with Bitdefender and ThreatConnect®

Andrei Pisau

February 18, 2020

One for All and All-in-One: Regain Control of Your Security with Bitdefender and ThreatConnect®

From small companies losing their income to fraud to entire countries being robbed of their data, the past few years have seen an unprecedented surge in security incidents. In fact, the recently launched Allianz Risk Barometer 2020 claims cyber incidents have surpassed even business interruption to become the No. 1 business risk for companies everywhere.

The Talent Paradox

Aside from the potential loss of resources, each new batch of evasive malware or phishing e-mails detected in the wild comes with a hidden cost. Every time new vulnerabilities and threats hit the radar, the amount of data the average security analyst must face increases.

A decade ago, a competent network and workstation security suite could cover multiple security needs. Now, in the age of cloud storage, Software-as-a-Service and ubiquitous access, SOCs and MSSPs are bombarded with myriad alerts, queries and collateral information. Security platforms generate enormous amounts of information that inevitably lead to low response times and the dreaded alert fatigue.

The worst part? While security incidents are in no short supply, security talent is - especially in the enterprise sector. However complex and appealing cybersecurity might be, there simply isn’t enough qualified personnel to match cybercrime’s dizzying growth rate.

But what if, instead of increasing manpower, we decreased the workload? What if, instead of asking so much from our security teams, we demand more from our security suites?

A Single Source of Truth

To gain better insight into the threat landscape, analysts would have to leverage information from multiple sources, and contextualize and qualify it. As threats grow in number and complexity, quick access to the right information with the right context is crucial. This is where external Threat Intelligence Platforms (TIP) come in.

TIPs are platforms that aggregate, analyze, and recommend action against threats, based on one or multiple feeds of threat intelligence, acting as a single source of truth for your security organization, unifying and qualifying security information, triaging events and alerts, and managing incident response. A threat intelligence platform should support multiple types of real-time feeds, provide collaborative support, and be customizable enough to accommodate SIEMs or other security measures you might have in place.

● If fueled by an up-to-date and reliable Threat Intelligence provider, a TIP can help your SOC, MSSP or MDR in several key aspects. It offers a unified dashboard that manages intelligence, automation, and incident response.

  • It decreases time-to-value by easily and coherently integrating multiple feeds, providing both internal and external context.
  • Allows security analysts to triage and score threat intelligence, while automating strenuous tasks such as logging and journaling.
  • Improves reporting and planning by quickly identifying indicators of compromise (IOCs) as well as the tactics, techniques and procedures (TTPs) of various attackers.
  • Encourages collaboration and improves your security organization’s internal workflows.
  • Improves incident response rates by reducing mean time to detect (MTTD) and mean time to respond (MTTR).
  • Minimizes the risk of breaches by offering a clear overview of the enterprises’ security.
  • Increases confidence in security capabilities by providing updated information from multiple sources.
  • Provides an independent and customizable platform that’s only dependent on the user’s choice.

An Unbeatable Combination

Provider of the industry’s only intelligence-driven security operations platform, ThreatConnect® supplies security analysts with a selection of vendors with the best and most reliable TI. Through this mediation, the Platform offers full control over the analysis, prevention, detection, and response stages.

However, the best value is obtained if a reputable threat intelligence vendor is fueling the data in the platform. This is where Bitdefender Advanced Threat Intelligence comes in.

A trusted security provider for 19 years, Bitdefender benefits from a global security delivery infrastructure that protects half a billion users and constantly outperforms competitors in multiple comparative tests. Bitdefender Advanced Threat Intelligence gives you access to one of the most heavily curated and highest-quality security data feeds, covering everything from suspicious URLs, IPs, domains, and certificates to Command and Control servers and Advanced Persistent Threats.

By integrating Bitdefender Advanced Threat Intelligence with the ThreatConnect® Platform, security experts can now access state-of-the-art threat intelligence feeds and organize them by using a leading TIP platform.

With a constantly updated database, Bitdefender Threat Intelligence can provide up-to-date, contextual intelligence to large enterprises with Security Operation Centers (SOCs), Managed Security Service Providers (MSSPs), Managed Detection & Response (MDR) companies, IT security and investigation consultancy companies.

The best part? All updates are visible directly in the ThreatConnect® platform, without additional configuration or code.

Ready to Integrate?

All you have to do is install the ThreatConnect® app and specify the credentials for accessing the Bitdefender Advanced Threat Intelligence feed. That’s it! You will be able to quickly access each particular TI feed (phishing, malware, APTs and many more), specify which one should be downloaded and control their update frequencies.

After the integration, you can organize information the way you want, manage threat scoring, and access Bitdefender’s vast data pool, powered by over 500 million sensors and curated by more than 800 security experts.

So, are you ready to empower your security team?

Bitdefender Advanced Threat Intelligence is a best-in-class TI solution that will ease the burden on your security operations.

Request an evaluation by e-mail at frivera@bitdefender.com or by phone at +1-650-437-6581.

If you want access to the ThreatConnect® Platform, simply contact their team at sales@threatconnect.com.



Andrei Pisau

Andrei, as Bitdefender’s Senior Director of Product Management for Enterprise Solutions, leverages over 15 years of experience in software engineering and product management to build security solutions that speak to customer needs. A leader of the B2B2B line of business, he spearheads efforts to deliver superior technologies such as Advanced Threat Intelligence and early breach detection solutions to Technology Partners and enterprises worldwide.

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